6.0.3 Hotfixes: February 9 - фиксы и маленькое начало нерфов)

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6.0.3 Hotfixes: February 9 - фиксы и маленькое начало нерфов) Empty 6.0.3 Hotfixes: February 9 - фиксы и маленькое начало нерфов)

Сообщение  Миззрим Вт Фев 10, 2015 9:08 am

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios

Blackrock Foundry


Gronnling Laborer's Gronnling Smash - ability now deals less damage. (ура нерфу треша  Very Happy )
Reduced the damage that Gruul’s Inferno Strike deals to 10-player raid groups on Normal and Heroic difficulties, but increased the rate at which damage scales with raid size. Larger raid groups should find the damage relatively unchanged; smaller groups will find that the ability now deals less damage.

The Blast Furnace

There's now a berserk timer for the encounter at the 13 minute mark.

Iron Maidens

Admiral Gar'an's Penetrating Shot no longer targets players who are riding a loading chain.
Fixed a situation where Tricks of the Trade (Rogue) or Misdirection (Hunter) could cause the Deckhands to go into evade mode.


[Requires a realm restart] Beginning with the new raid timer, Blackhand will consistently drop universal set tokens at the same consistent rates as other bosses in Blackrock Foundry.
If the Siegemaker's Fixated target dies, it should now Fixate on the closest target.
Cast time for Iron Soldier's Explosive Rounds ability should now be scaling smoothly with raid size and should no longer have breakpoints where the damage ramps up more than intended at 16 and 26 players.
In Stage Two, Blackhand now casts Marked for Death every 16 seconds (up from 15 seconds).
Players no longer take falling damage upon landing after receiving Blackhand's Massive Shattering Smash.
In Stage Three, Blackhand's Attach Slag Bombs ability now prefers players that are not affected by the Impaled debuff.

Сообщения : 94
Печеньки : 7310
Всенародолюбимость : 0
Дата регистрации : 2014-12-10
Возраст : 33
Откуда : Санкт-Петербург

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6.0.3 Hotfixes: February 9 - фиксы и маленькое начало нерфов) Empty Re: 6.0.3 Hotfixes: February 9 - фиксы и маленькое начало нерфов)

Сообщение  Макс Вт Фев 10, 2015 11:11 am

Чот хантеров не апают...

Сообщения : 3676
Печеньки : 13473
Всенародолюбимость : 170
Дата регистрации : 2012-01-25
Возраст : 40
Откуда : Екатеринбург


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