6.1 Hotfixes: February 27

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6.1 Hotfixes: February 27 Empty 6.1 Hotfixes: February 27

Сообщение  Миззрим Сб Фев 28, 2015 12:28 pm



Focusing Shot now has a facing requirement.


Fixed an issue where Chi Explosion could incorrectly trigger Healing Elixirs while the Monk is at full health.


Saving Grace (Discipline, Holy) now heals for 34% less in PvP combat (up from 25% less).


Fixed an issue where Lava Surge can interact with the talent, Echo of the Elements incorrectly to provide an additional charge of Lava Surge.

Chain Heal should now be correctly healing the most injured ally first.


Soul Link's healing now ignores effects that increase or decrease the amount of healing received.


Execute now deals 13% more damage for Fury and Protection Warriors, effectively restoring the ability's damage level back to pre-Patch 6.1. - непостоянные близзы решили откатить изменения экзекута)
Fixed a number of issues with Execute’s rage consumption and damage for Arms Warriors.

Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts

Visiting Garrison profession traders are now on a rotation and is no longer random.
Summoned Garrison bosses should no longer reset or despawn after being summoned if they're engaged by pets or Garrison NPCs.
Visiting High Overlord Saurfang no longer offers to accompany Horde players on patrol over concerns that he may cleave the Garrison in half.

Garrison Quests
Targets of bounty quests are now open tap.
Learning is Painful: Huge Crate of Weapons should now be interactable and allow players to complete the quest.

Follower Missions
Relic and Bounty missions are no longer being offered.

Creatures and NPCs

Fixed collision geometry designed to prevent crowding around the Horde PvP vendors in Warspear.

Raids and Dungeons

Drak'Tharon Keep: Fixed an issue where Novos the Summoner was unkillable on Heroic difficulty.
The Culling of Stratholme: Fixed an issue where the Dark Runed Chest after defeating Mal'Ganis could not be looted on Heroic difficulty.


Formidable Ring should no longer create invalid items.
Shadowtome can no longer be incorrectly upgraded by Ensorcelled Tarot.
The Shatterer no longer has a chance on hit effect.

Bug Fixes

Trade Goods and Consumables should now be correctly deposited to bags assigned to favor those item types.

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Дата регистрации : 2014-12-10
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Откуда : Санкт-Петербург

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