6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

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6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка Empty 6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

Сообщение  Миззрим Сб Фев 14, 2015 1:40 pm

Follower Missions
Level 90-94 gold and Garrison Resource missions will now continue to appear even if there are no Followers that are level 90-94.

Garrison Buildings

Barn traps can now be placed on top of a trap that has already been sprung.

Mage Tower / Spirit Lodge
Characters visiting the Garrison are now able to use Mage Tower / Spirit Lodge portals.

Town Hall
The fireplace in Tier-2 and Tier-3 Alliance Garrison Town Halls can now be used as a cooking fire.

Talent Balance

Death Knight

Breath of Sindragosa no longer has an initial Runic Power cost, but only applies the Mark of Sindragosa for Blood Death Knights.
Defile now only reduces damage taken for Blood Death Knights.
Necrotic Plague damage has been increased by 20% 37% and now only grants Runic Power to Blood Death Knights.


Comet Storm (Frost) damage has increased by 94% but deals 33.3% less damage in PvP combat. - "мы не можем менять урон, не затрагивая пвп, бла бла бла (с) Метелица"


Halo now displays an indicator on the ground to make it easier for the casting Priest see where the ability is most effective. Additionally, Halo's visual effect has been synchronized so a character will receive the effect when the nova intersects with them.
Psychic Scream now has a 30-second cooldown (down from 45 seconds).


Demonbolt (Demonology) damage decreased by 25%. - пока демолоки, хех



Ferocious Bite damage increased by 5%.
Moonfire's mana cost has been reduced by 55%.
Shred damage increased by 20%.
Thrash (Cat Form) damage increased by 20%.

Starfall damage decreased by 16.6%. - все равно старфолл имба)

Moonfire (Feral) damage increased by 5%.
Rake damage increased by 5%.
Rip damage increased by 5%.
Swipe damage increased by 20%.
Фералы довайнились Surprised

Ironbark is no longer usable while silenced.
Nature’s Cure can no longer be cast while in a shapeshift form and is now classified as a Nature School ability.


Beast Mastery
Improved Focus Fire now grants an 8% increase to attack power per Frenzy stack consumed (up from 5%).

Careful Aim now increases critical strike chance of Steady Shot, Focusing Shot, and Aimed Shot by 50% (down from 60%).
Chimaera Shot damage increased by 30.4%.
Sniper Training is now 25% more effective.
Пумпурумпумпум Very Happy


Glyph of Splitting Ice effect can now hit targets up to 60% further away from the primary target, but no longer ignores crowd-controlled targets.


Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 20% increased damage from the Monk's abilities (up from 10%).


Beacon of Light heals should no longer benefit or consume Glyph of Flash of Light's effect.


Power Word: Shield now absorbs 10% less damage. - интересно как долго они его еще по чуть-чуть будут нерфить


Grounding Totem now protects both party and raid members (up from only party members). Additionally, fixed an issue where Grounding Totem was incorrectly redirecting Provoke (Monk), Defile (Death Knight), and Growl (Hunter Pets).

Restorative Waves now increases all healing done by 40% (up from 30%).

Frozen Power should no longer cause Frost Shock to trigger a new Mastery: Molten Earth (Elemental). Note that this does not stop Molten Earth effects that are already in progress or in the process of being triggered.

Armor Sets
Tier-17 2-piece bonus for Elemental Shaman now increases multistrike damage by 1% per stack (down from 2% damage increase per stack).
Tier-17 4-piece bonus for Elemental Shaman now requires the Shaman to consume 12 18 Lightning Shield charges to trigger (down up from 15 charges).
Передаю привет Птичке)


Execute damage decreased by 11.4%.
Shield Barrier now absorbs 24.4% more damage.

Improved Defensive Stance now increases armor by 10% (up from 5%).

Dungeons and Raids

Blackrock Foundry
Dungeon Journal entries for Blackrock Foundry have been updated with fight mechanics that have changed from hotfixes.
Hans’gar & Franzok
Tanks are now able to use abilities and cooldowns while grabbed by Hans’gar or Franzok's Crippling Suplex.

Сообщения : 94
Печеньки : 7310
Всенародолюбимость : 0
Дата регистрации : 2014-12-10
Возраст : 33
Откуда : Санкт-Петербург

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6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка Empty Re: 6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

Сообщение  Эхколдану Сб Фев 14, 2015 3:51 pm

Demonbolt (Demonology) damage decreased by 25%. - пока демолоки, хех

Сразу видно не шариш в локах))))

http://www.wowhead.com/spell=152108/cataclysm (теже яйца только в профиль)

Сообщения : 897
Печеньки : 10111
Всенародолюбимость : 12
Дата регистрации : 2012-05-17
Возраст : 40
Откуда : Тула

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6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка Empty Re: 6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

Сообщение  Гордаяптичка Сб Фев 14, 2015 4:05 pm

Armor Sets
Tier-17 2-piece bonus for Elemental Shaman now increases multistrike damage by 1% per stack (down from 2% damage increase per stack).
Tier-17 4-piece bonus for Elemental Shaman now requires the Shaman to consume 12 18 Lightning Shield charges to trigger (down up from 15 charges).
Передаю привет Птичке)

На самом деле ап второго тира очень круто, и нерф первого тира будет не заметен из-за 100% аптайма его)

Сообщения : 121
Печеньки : 7397
Всенародолюбимость : 0
Дата регистрации : 2014-10-15
Возраст : 33

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6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка Empty Re: 6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

Сообщение  Эйттригг Чт Фев 19, 2015 9:12 am

Тут ещё нерф прилетел, армсу на которого я очень надеялся.
Execute: Normal damage dealt decreased by approximately 14.3%.

Не совсем только понял что имелось ввиду под "нормальным" уроном, если это прок с таланта то тогда вообще не страшно

Сообщения : 206
Печеньки : 7946
Всенародолюбимость : 3
Дата регистрации : 2014-04-09
Возраст : 40
Откуда : г. Тольятти


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6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка Empty Re: 6.1 PTR Patch Notes - February 13 - вырезка классовых изменений + еще парочка

Сообщение  Митя Чт Фев 19, 2015 1:41 pm

Эйттригг пишет:Тут ещё нерф  прилетел, армсу на которого я очень надеялся.
Execute: Normal damage dealt decreased by approximately 14.3%.

Не совсем только понял что имелось ввиду под "нормальным" уроном, если это прок с таланта то тогда вообще не страшно

Скорей всего порезан урон если юзать екзекут при 10 раги, а добавочный урон который стоит еще 30 раги таким и останется.


Сообщения : 235
Печеньки : 8137
Всенародолюбимость : 2
Дата регистрации : 2014-01-04
Возраст : 31
Откуда : Донецк , Украина

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